cultural awareness

《cultural awareness》怎以读

[ˈkʌltʃərəl əˈwɛrnɪs]

《cultural awareness》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 学习《cultural awareness》怎么用


    1. This paper discusses how to infiltrate cultural awareness in English teaching.
    2. It betters their economic situations, evokes their political claim and promotes their cultural awareness.After L.A.


    Measuring cultural awareness in nursing students
    Cultural awareness in the human services: A multi-ethnic approach
    Can Cultural Awareness Be Taught in Teacher Education Programs?
    From cultural awareness to intercultural awareness: culture in ELT
    Cultural Awareness in Knowledge Transfer to China — The Role of Guanxi and Mianzi
    Cultural Awareness in Knowledge Transfer to China — The Role of Guanxi and Mianzi
    Intercultural Pragmatics and Proficiency: "Polite Noises"for Cultural Awareness.
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